ASTROCARTOGRAPHY a.k.a Location Astrology
Astrocartography is a locational astrology system that focuses on elements of the natal chart, by identifying these factors on a world "Astro*Carto*Graphy Map." These maps show all locations on the earth where planets were "angular" (rising, setting, on the zenith or nadir) at the moment of an event like a person's birth.
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Astrocartography is a locational astrology system that focuses on elements of the natal chart, by identifying these factors on a world "Astro*Carto*Graphy Map." These maps show all locations on the earth where planets were "angular" (rising, setting, on the zenith or nadir) at the moment of an event like a person's birth.
Discover YOUR best place for abundance in your Romance, Career, and Travel this year!
Please inquire on how you can add this special service to your next reading.*
*Additional fees may apply