Natal / Birth Charts
NATAL / BIRTH CHART reading includes an interpretation of your karmic patterns of this lifetime.
Self/Finances/Romance/Career/Health - Past life karma and this life's mission is explored
Life Direction and Astrological Counsel will address your specific needs.
Please feel free to prepare questions in advance.
Readings are NOT recorded; though you are welcome to record the session on your preferred device.
Skype sessions are also available.
One hour Session (Includes Progressed Chart)
Self/Finances/Romance/Career/Health - Past life karma and this life's mission is explored
Life Direction and Astrological Counsel will address your specific needs.
Please feel free to prepare questions in advance.
Readings are NOT recorded; though you are welcome to record the session on your preferred device.
Skype sessions are also available.
One hour Session (Includes Progressed Chart)